BACA are proud to be Carbon Neutral
In the UK, Business account for over 85% of total greenhouse gas emissions – making corporate action the number one priority in helping stop climate change. Looking to do our part for the environment, we engaged with Carbon Neutral Britain in January ’24, with the ambition to measure and offset our total organization emissions – to become Carbon Neutral, which we have successfully achieved!

Carbon Neutral Journey

See our support for global projects…

Nakhata Bay Cook Stove Project Malawi

Energy Efficient Lighting India

Salkhit Renewable Electrcity Wind Farm

Andes Mountains Hydro Power

Eco Workwear
We are constantly looking for ways to make our workwear, less of a strain on our planet. Some of our most popular product lines that are evolving to be more sustainable, such as the t-shirt, polo, quatre-zip and hoodie are being manufactured with 50% BCI Cotton.
To find out what great work this Non-Profit organization is doing, click here.
We also work with manufactures who are working towards this common goal, such as LEO and Regatta. Through this, we have achieved some impressive figures...
Proud to be a SEDEX Member
As a Sedex Member, we prioritise doing business ethically and responsibly. being part of Sedex means we value fairness, transparency, and sustainability throughout our supply chain. we strive to ensure that our operations benefit both people and the planet. By joining Sedex, we demonstrate our commitment to making a positive impact and continuously improving our practices for a better future.

We are constantly reviewing our packaging usage with our suppliers. By collaborating we aim to streamline packaging without compromising product integrity, which involves careful consideration of material choices, opting for eco-friendly alternatives wherever possible. We encourage our suppliers to adopt innovative solutions that not only reduce waste but also contribute to the circular economy. See below our latest innovation to reduce our plastic waste we produce!
Story of how we reduced our packaging by X amount by the manufacture bagging in fifties, and not singles…. TBC
Reusable Cups & Glasses
Ensuring reusable cups are used for vending machines

Light Sensors
Installed light sensors in unregularly visited areas of the business.

Packaging Reviews
Constantly looking to removing excess packaging that we could operate without.

Waste Compacting
All our cardboard, wrapping & plastic bags are compacted in house for recycling.